Day 6 - 19 December 2008
Another exciting day after the skiing and spa-ing!!woke up to a dark dark sky...

road side "eatery" just beside our resort...

a pretty sight!

my breakfast~ cereal again! i had more than that of cos...

the place were we had breakfast was like a... staff canteen... but food was not bad! fresh milk, cereal, eggs, bread = never go wrong!

daddy's breakfast~

we stood outside waiting for the rest + admiring the sun rise + freezing out feet off!

camwhoring~ that's mummy, me and a leopard...

mummy + the cute boy

mountains and more mountains! love the scenery, love the air, love the everythinG!

sun is up on this side

uncle davide & the leopard...

uncle davide + xiao yee~


more mountains - love the contrast
off to Seoraksan National Park... not exactly sure what's there to see... but we all enjoyed the morning walk around the park with the nice weather and pretty scenery!

me all wrapped up! my nose was freezing!!!

uncle + family~

map of the park...

that's my mummy... by the 6th day... you recognize the people by their jackets... not their face... cos you can't see their faces anymore...

daddy! furry hood!

another one~ can u spot the moon?

Some explaination on the Seroksan Nature Reserve

mummy + uncle's family

:D i love these pictures~ daddy say i everything also take picture.......

so cold... but take picture must show the face... cannot cover...

mummy + me (i love my beanie + jacket + scarf + shoes!)

can u see what i wrote? i know la... my chinese handwriting sucks...

nice and empty with tall trees and xiao yee~

i love these patterns on the tree bark... so pretty... this is what u call "art"

the feeling is indescribable - wide space, sun rise, cold weather, loved family, nice landscape :D


last picture before we go off for lunch!

on the way...

its time they clean the bus windows...

guess what's for lunch? :D something i've been going on and on and on about since i came back from korea - ChunCheon 鸡扒 (chicken chop)!!!! makes me hungry.... this is one of the nicest thing i have eaten! esp in the cold weather!

veges, korean nian gao (mochi cake - some gultinous thing tt is apparently quite famous), chicken, chilli, and tada!!!

pick your fav ingredients and wrap it in a whole lettuce,
and stuff the whole thing in your mouth!

here comes the 2nd part of the dish - rice with seaweed! poured into the pan to absorb the kiam-ness and fragrance of the already nice ChunCheon 鸡扒

chicken and vege and nian gao, a bit spicy, a bit kiam kiam, very fragrant + rice and seaweed, also kiam kiam, hot hot, bottom a bit chao tar... this is the taste of heaven...
off to shopping after a very satisfying lunch~~~

Takuya Kimura advert... heh...

the streets of ChunCheon... mummy + daddy shopping~

this is where......

my strawberries are bought!!!! the tastiest ever!!! super sweet, not too hard, not too soft... this is nicer than the $8 korean stawberries sold in singapore... nicer than all the other strawberries we bought throughout the trip.... this is... not cheap... cannot remember how much... daddy says, nvm la... just buy la... :D ♥
next to the well-known filming site of Winter Sonata

Nami Island... where you can find the prettiest trees!

waiting for the ferry...

guess why everyone is standing there?

:D heat!!! we had to be careful not too put our hands too near... not becos it would burn our hands... but becos the gloves will melt! lol
another prove that koreans are chinese...

on the way to the island~ i love ferries~

man-made ice thingy that welcomed us was quite pretty...

guide says... step into this island... must hold hands with your partner...
i don't have... so i held....

this hand! ♥ lol

another ice thing

map of nami island~

some poem by
General Nami... oh.. the island is named after him... of course... o.O

aww... sho sweet... hold hands...

another sweet sweet couple... i also wan! :(

sho loving~ (trees are pretty right!!)

frozen river...

it looks more like autumn than winter...

the famous scene from Winter Sonata


this is how it looks like... in the show... (without the stupid people behind of cos..)

another try~ (nicer :D)

here's us + charlie

daddy admiring the trees ( i like this picture!)

we were standing around... laughing at the gooses/ducks...
who kept slipping off the ice and falling :x (*karma, karma!!)

duno if this was made by some tourist or by the island people...
i don't think anyone actually lives on the island... probably just a tourist attraction...

more scenery pictures

that's me! :D

now... this is suppose to represent something... if only i can remember what... :|

pictures/shots from Winter Sonata (see the picture on the left)
that's the pose they are suppose to follow... heh

this is how nami island in winter should look like!!! not just yellow/orange fallen leaves....
where is my snow!!

everyone say "awwwwwwwww"

kossy this looks like u... haha

and sheri...

ah joo...

and me! hahahaha

as u can see... i really love this place...

yikes! pimple on forehead!

us all with the tour leader (from sg)

me + xiao yee~

another nice tree... can u see the tree's eye?
we gathered at the exit (waiting for the rest + "roasting" ourselves) went into the shop selling drinks and guess what i found? Qoo!!!!! bought 2 of each flavors to add to my collection :D no wonder charlie says... we 去到哪里,买到哪里.... :x

last shot before we take the ferry back to mainland

xiao yee + uncle davide~
a long but not-so-long trip to our next destination... Jewel in the Palace(summarized version, they were actually able to summarized it so that we finished it by the end of the trip!) was playing on the bus. charlie talks, show stops, show start, charlie stops...

*rubs eyes* are those... GIANT MASHMALLOWS???

guess where we are at?

the famous LotteWorld!!!!!
(hoping u were here kossy!!! someone to enjoy the rides with me!)

World of Magic, Fantasy & Adventure + MANY korean school kids on a friday night

i love xmas :)

duno what those are suppose to be... :|

shopping!!! bought some stuff for zb and meimei...
its more of a "look for thing to buy" than "see something nice and buy"

our upgraded BIG 5 card! (from BIG 3) didn't manage any rides... too crowded... we were only given like 3+ hours to walk around... and the queues are 1 - 2 hours long o.O

outdoor part of the theme park... we were alternating btn indoor, outdoor, indoor, outdoor... cos inside too warm with all our jackets.. too troublesome to take out and hold it... outside too cold...

a bit dark... need tips for night shots!

this was what is left... when i remembered to take out my camera... nice!

cuttlefish!!! very nice!!! can smell from far far away... they had peanut butter cuttlefish too... i bought that one... and over-ate... got a bit disgusted and skipped dinner... the rest had dinner at this foodcourt place in the indoor part of the park

snapped a picture of mummy before she was ready... lol...
had another picture... but i think this one nicer...

*gasp* CATS!!!! regretted not catching it in Singapore... :(

this place was another filming location for another korean drama... cannot remember which... the famous merry-go-round appeared in the show... :|

ice cream!!!

there was some concert going on within Lotte World, some boyband... no idea who... the cute boy(the korean tourism board one) dragged me to watch it, and showed me this Wonder Girls video on his hp... and that's how i got to know Wonder Girls... o.O and there's a parade too... nothing much though... just many colorful things and many colorful lights and very noisy music... lol....

waiting in the bus~ xiao yee and her bear bear

i pattered over to the building where CATS was on... pretty structures on the way

now and forever!

my first xmas tree~
headed to Walker Hill hotel after a looong day... we're going to spend our last 2 nights in korea here! very pretty hotel with a casino at the basement. that's where daddy is going to "earn" our shopping money back!! waited to check-in and took some pictures.... this is the most quality hotel of the entire trip... the rest were all resorts. not that i didn't like them... they just dun have the hotel "feel"

outside the casino...

other side of the casino entrance

the best night of the entire trip!
the right temperature, my OWN room, fluffy pillows and beds ♥
i want these kind of beds for my room too!!

other parts of the room...

clean and pretty bathroom

small but cosy!

korean tv + my mess of things...
time to spend some alone time + internet! daddy and mummy went to the casino while i surf the net on daddy's laptop. he asked for internet connection from the hotel (had to pay of cos) so i could surf + he could check his mail! mummy went to slp after she came back (without daddy) and i packed my bag a bit/watched tv, and enjoyed rolling around the bed... :D
tada!!! i finished posting pictures + typing this post in a day!!! :D Day 7 coming up!!
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